Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Do You Say To Someone Overcome with Shame!!!

Guilt is a God given emotional experience that is causes a person to change their behavior, often ask for grace and forgiveness, and lasts for about 10 minutes or so.......
However, many people suffer from shame...shame is a posture of life...shame says there is something fundamentally missing in my life...shame becomes my identity.
Shame is the core of most people who were reared in strict religious homes, were abused by trusted caregivers, or who have experienced some trauma in their life. Shame is not from God and causes one to be ashamed of who they are as a person and GRACE is the only hope for the shame based person. I know...I know...
For all who suffer shame and know God's Grace...let me say! You have great worth apart from your performance!! You know why? Because Christ gave HIS LIFE for you and thereby imparted ETERNAL VALUE to are deeply loved by GOD, fully pleasing TO GOD, completely accepted by GOD, and totally forgiven by don't let anything in this life cloud your mind and erode this ETERNAL TRUTH!
Be free from your shame...